knowing is half the battle

Hello my friends, it’s an ice filled night here in Kentucky and I would like to address an issue tonight.  Over the past few 10965234_10152636474022405_235609508_nmonths, I’ve learned a lot about about my relationship with God.  The closer I draw to him, my life becomes more blessed. My life is no where near perfection and I don’t want it to be.  I feel like I am exactly where God planted me and I will bloom.  The past few months have been eye opening, painful, discouraging, scary, exciting, happy, and emotional all in one big ole bag of awesome. Corey and I have been attending our church on a regular basis. Though my health continues to deteriorate, I feel stronger than ever.  Things that once mattered now seem so pointless.  My new dance company has started to take form and I’m loving every minute of it.  My returning kiddos are doing amazing and we’ve added a few new ones into the mix as well. This year is all about a transition of life and I can’t lie to you, it’s HARD.  Going from being the breadwinner of the family to housewife is nothing short of drastic.  I’m thankful that doctor appointments and school keep me occupied.  Life is much different these days, but I have chosen to be bloom where God has planted me.

I10403331_10203317233524250_5321631348010162825_n come to you tonight, to have a voice for those that won’t speak up.  In my personal health struggle, I seemingly appear “normal” on the outside as do others with autoimmune disease. What others SEE is a normal, happy go lucky gal who occasionally mentions she’s having a bad day or sometimes I have to cancel plans because I’m having a flare or worse…a trip to the emergency room.  Unfortunately, they only see about 10% of my day…IF it’s a good one.  The rest of the time is spent trying to stretch out your joints because you are stiff as a board, keeping track of medications, trying to hold food down, struggling with normal every day tasks, dealing with constant fatigue, chronic pain, and the emotional toll that it takes over you.  The depression and anxiety of living with something that is a silent killer and has no cure can be completely overwhelming.  New symptoms and ailments see to come out of no where and it can take multiple doctors and/or tests to tell you why.  

10966652_10152648103847405_239061003_nPeople start to question if you really are sick because they SEE a normal person.  These people start to slowly fade away until they just don’t call anymore because they can’t handle your emotional health roller coaster.  When this starts to happen, you honestly start to question yourself.  Am I going crazy?  Am I even sick?  When people tell you that you don’t “look” sick it can be the hardest thing to hear.  Know this my friends, sickness does not know one specific definition.  Little comments like that can be heartbreaking to someone suffering with an invisible illness.  As someone fighting autoimmune disease, we aren’t looking for sympathy.

We just want you to fight WITH us not against US.

Be Kind,



7 Reasons You Should Try Yoga This Year

Are you as excited about all the new discoveries this year as I am? Why not try yoga? Jump start your health!

The Hudsucker

The start of the year is a popular time for many of us to try and begin life changes, especially ones involving health. Whether it’s feeling over fed and under exercised after the holidays, the illusion of a fresh start from the new year, or a combination of both, healthy living gets a lot of attention this time of year. If you committed to making a change this year, the addition of a yoga practice is a great start that will help out in ways you might not realize. I started doing yoga six years ago and what originally began as “just another form of exercise” has morphed and grown into a full blown practice that influences and supports what I do off my mat. There are many reasons to do practice yoga that go beyond what you might think about when you think about yoga.

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a few of my favorite bloggers

These days I’m addicted to loving life and viewing things from a whole new perspective.  I only want to be around positive and inspiring people and I try to follow bloggers with the same mindset.  I’m sharing a few of my favorite bloggers this morning and hoping you will follow them too!

For The Love of Adventure

Such Small Hands

Photography Inspiration

Natalie Maks

Fellow Foodie Love


the best hint I could ever give you

Happy Tuesday Everyone!  Sorry I’ve been so busy and haven’t taken time out to chat.  Today’s post will hopefully light a fire out there in someone.  The best hint to achieve your goals in life is simple.  You ready?  You might not like it, but you gotta do it yourself. What am I talking about?  I’m talking about with any goal, if you want it done you have get out of your seat and make it happen.  This year is all about discovering new possibilities and the only way to achieve that is to dig deep, do the research needed, plan it out, and DO IT! Quit feeling sorry for yourself because you didn’t get the promotion, or maybe you didn’t an opportunity that you’d hoped for.  Really process WHY you didn’t get it and research what you could have done differently.  Maybe your goal is to lose weight this year.  ASK yourself if you are really doing everything you can to achieve your goal? Stop thinking in terms of IF and start thinking in terms of WHEN.  RESEARCH all of your options to achieve your goals.  Realistically PLAN out your goals. STOP thinking negatively.  Find like-minded individuals who have common goals set. Having a support team around you is wonderful, but only YOU can make your goals happen.  Keep in mind that no one owes you anything. A support team is built to motivate each other, but you have to MOTIVATE yourself and dig deep. So what’s holding you back? As my husband always tells me, “there’s nothing holding you back but wind and opportunity. Here’s your wind.”

I know you can make great things happen WHEN you want to.

Happy Tuesday Everyone!



Embrace It…You’re The Co-Pilot

Whoa, it’s a cold morning here in Kentucky.  Thankful I’m off today and can stay in and cuddled up on my couch.  We are now seven days into 2015 and I find myself really embracing the blogging community.  I’m very thankful for the life I have and that I not only share it with my wonderful husband, but also with God.  I encourage you to read this blog post today from Thoughts About God.  It really hits the nail on the head with someone who thought they were in control of their own life.  Embrace the fact that you don’t have all the answers and trust God.

Have a Blessed Morning,


14 Reasons To Keep Up Your Kindness

Vincent Egoro said it best! Be KIND!

Vincent Egoro

Do we really need a reason to show kindness unto others? I don’t think so. But whether you do, or you don’t here are 14 quotes to motivate you into being more kind this month.

  1. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up –Galatians 6:9
  2. You never know how much of an impact a simple act of kindness may have on someone.
  3. No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.
  4. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.
  5. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
  6. When you give from the heart, you touch the heart of another, more so, you touch the heart of God with your kindness.
  7. An act of kindness

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It’s OK! On To The Next

I love Free People and their blog. Everything about it is inspiring! Today I challenge yourself to let yourself move on to the next chapter in your life and quit reliving your current one. I know it’s hard. I know it’s stressful, but the more you let go, the easier it becomes. Give more, want less, and remember to breathe!

Be sure to check this blog post out from Free People today!

Fifty-Two Weeks of Adventure Link-Up: Adventure #1

This might be the coolest thing I’ve read all day. I’m feeling inspired! Why shouldn’t we live life to the fullest?

Lily Ellyn

Over the weekend I discovered Brenda’s blog Embark: Fifty-Two Weeks of Adventure. Brenda invites readers to join her on fifty-two weeks of adventures for 2015.

Embark with me as I take fifty-two adventures and re-discover the joy of ordinary life being lived to its fullest.

I challenge you to find a way to learn, to grow, to care and to breathe, each day, for fifty-two weeks. Nourish your mind, soul, heart and body. And each week, go on an adventure. “

Seriously?! An adventure EVERY WEEK FOR A YEAR?! How will I contain the awesome?!?! I don’t think I have the words for how excited this made me. Maybe this picture will help explain it:


Needless to say, challenge accepted, Brenda. Challenge Accepted!

I will be posting here once a week (probably on Mondays or Tuesdays) about that week’s adventure. The cool thing about this challenge is that nobody decides what counts as…

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Hello 2015, Let Me Reintroduce Myself

A wise man once told me that we live two lives; the life we had before and the life we started living once we realized we only live once.  I believe this to be true.  In my previous life, I was stressed out, self absorbed, overworked, underpaid, addicted to caffeine and nicotine, and my entire world revolved around dance. My life didn’t revolve around anything that actually mattered.  Now that I’ve had an awakening, my life is so much better.  I no longer ignore my body when it tells me I need a break,I listen to my husband,  I pay attention to things that matter, and surprise!  My entire world doesn’t revolve around dance.  Whew, feels good to say that out loud!  Yes, my name is April and I am a former danceaholic.  I still love dance and I always will, but it doesn’t consume my entire existence anymore.  I make time for things that actually matter.  I listen and communicate more effectively.  I do things that I love to do, but I wasn’t making time for.  I take the time to cook our meals instead of getting fast food.  I spend quality time with my husband and our fur babies.  I take the time to take care of my health.  I meditate.  I pray.  I work on my relationship with God.  I appreciate what I have and life is amazing!  IMG_0402 boys1 DSC_0665 IMG_0552 IMG_0378 IMG_0839 DSC_1032 gussy11

take a deep breathe…and exhale

I want to let go and not stress over every detail.  I have been saying my daily affirmation.  “I will not stress over things I  can not control.” We are five days into 2015 and I can already feel myself clinching up and stressing.  I’m not proud of it.  I am trying.  Today I caught myself stressing.  I could feel the stress radiating off my body.  So how do you channel that negative stress into positive energy?  You take a deep breathe, say a prayer, and exhale.  This is easier said than done, but it’s worth it.  I promise, it’s not just hot air that I am releasing.  I’m releasing negative energy.  I’m letting go of things that I can not control.

Every day it gets a little easier for me and I hope for someone out there it will for them too.  My friend today reminded me that we aren’t in control of anything except our actions.  That’s a great reminder that I think everyone needs to be reminded of.  We have to let things go and just exhale.  If we don’t, the negative will eat us alive. For those that of that are weak, we will not get stronger.  For those of us that are sick, we will not get well.  Let it go!

Forgive yourself for your mistakes, let go of things you can’t control, and take things one step at a time.

Have a blessed day,
