Hello 2015, Let Me Reintroduce Myself

A wise man once told me that we live two lives; the life we had before and the life we started living once we realized we only live once.  I believe this to be true.  In my previous life, I was stressed out, self absorbed, overworked, underpaid, addicted to caffeine and nicotine, and my entire world revolved around dance. My life didn’t revolve around anything that actually mattered.  Now that I’ve had an awakening, my life is so much better.  I no longer ignore my body when it tells me I need a break,I listen to my husband,  I pay attention to things that matter, and surprise!  My entire world doesn’t revolve around dance.  Whew, feels good to say that out loud!  Yes, my name is April and I am a former danceaholic.  I still love dance and I always will, but it doesn’t consume my entire existence anymore.  I make time for things that actually matter.  I listen and communicate more effectively.  I do things that I love to do, but I wasn’t making time for.  I take the time to cook our meals instead of getting fast food.  I spend quality time with my husband and our fur babies.  I take the time to take care of my health.  I meditate.  I pray.  I work on my relationship with God.  I appreciate what I have and life is amazing!  IMG_0402 boys1 DSC_0665 IMG_0552 IMG_0378 IMG_0839 DSC_1032 gussy11

Change of Focus

5386d0ffb4dbb71556ef2195d9e45f43What a dreary afternoon this Saturday is.  It’s raining, it’s gloomy, and my only plan for the rest of the day is to spend it at home.  When I find yourself at home with no plans, my brain starts to wonder.  I have had a bad habit in the past that I’m trying to shake this year.  It’s called being stressed.  Heard of it?  I’m sure you have been there.  My horrible habit is that I tend to stay that way.  I stress about every little detail of every possible situation. Now, what I’m about to tell you has changed my entire thought process and when you say it, you must say it out loud.  Are you ready?  Ok, now repeat after me, “I can not stress about things that I can not control.”  Since I’m on a different path these days, I have to repeat this affirmation to myself about a hundred times a day.  I have learned to change my focus. Even though it’s a daily struggle, I stopped focusing on how stressed I am and I remember how blessed I am. I’m blessed that I have a loving husband because I am not in this battle alone. I am blessed that I am full because it means I have food in my fridge.  I am blessed that I have dirty laundry, because it means I have clothes on my back. I am blessed that I have aches and pains because it means I am alive.  I am blessed that I have bills to pay because it means I have a roof over my head.  Change your focus.  Change your perception. Remember that nothing is permanent and everything can change in the blink of an eye. Be blessed and not stressed.

Have a great afternoon,
